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Book Exchange


Students visit the GVES library once per week to check out leisure reading books.  During their time in the library, they hear a read-aloud before they begin their book selection.  Students must return their old books  in order to check out new books.  


The library is also open to any student from 8:55-9:10 every morning for students who miss their book exchange class or who would just like to check out some fresh reading.

Students visit the library classroom once per week to learn about responsible use of information and digital citizenship.  Students will also participate in independent research at a wide variety of centers using the skills they learn in class.


Typing skills are practiced using Typing Club to help students build their speed and accuracy to recommended levels.  This aids them in their ability to access and utilize digital informational resources.


You can go to our classroom links to see our activities:


3rd Grade


4th Grade


5th Grade





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